About Me

Hi, I’m Beckham.

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Beckham Ronaghan. I am a Registered Social Worker in British Columbia. My practice is entirely online; I can see clients from anywhere in BC. I work with youth and adults. I have a Masters of Social Work from The University of Windsor (2019) and a Bachelors of Arts with Honours from Queen’s University (2012).

I have developed an approach to working with clients based in anti-oppression, feminism, and social justice. I have worked in a variety of contexts, from nonprofit organizations to major urban hospitals to street-based outreach. I have built community programs from scratch and done lots of regional network building. I have worked with interdisciplinary teams in acute care hospital environments. I have done one-on-one counselling with both civilians and active military members. 

I am thankful to have such a varied professional background. I understand how a lot of different systems work and that many systems are very difficult to navigate. I know a lot about how a person might advocate for themselves to access services. I’ve worked with people living on the street, people who are actively using illicit substances, people who are barely making ends meet, people who are in top leadership positions at work and feel completely isolated and alone. Everyone has the capacity to change.

I am nonbinary and queer. I use the pronouns they and them. I navigated years of difficult family conversations around my identity. We underwent a long journey of learning together. There were lots of rocky patches. We are now very close and my parents are major support figures in my life. 

I live with a number of chronic illnesses and chronic pain. My health issues are directly tied to my mental health; when one is bad usually the other is down as well. I have learned over the years how to manage my health with physical as well as emotional strategies.

I’m a parent of two children that were conceived through a known donor and carried by my spouse. We have two dogs and two cats. I love spending time outside either in our garden, at the beach, or hiking in the forest usually wearing at least one wildly patterned article of clothing. If you have questions for me or want to say hello, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me at ronaghantherapy@gmail.com or give me a call at 250-884-8981. 



Professional Trainings & Certifications

  • DBT Centre of Vancouver - Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (2022)

  • Trans Care BC - Advanced Gender-Affirming Primary Care Course (2022)

  • Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI) - Body-Oriented Trauma Counselling Strategies (2021)

  • Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) - DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) Essentials (2021)

  • Living Works Education — ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) (2018)

  • CMHA WW - Motivational Interviewing (2018); Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (2017)

  • Rainbow Health Ontario - Providing Primary Care to Gender-Diverse Clients: Hormones and Preventative Care (2017); Learning Institute: Building Competence to Work with Gender Independent Children and Their Families (2016)

  • Hincks -Dellcrest - Three Day Brief Narrative Therapy Program (2017)

  • Living Works Education — ASK (Assessing for Suicide in Kids) (2015)

  • Mental Health Commission of Canada — Mental Health First Aid for Adults who Interact with Youth (2015)

  • Gender Odyssey — Professionals Conference on Gender Identity (2015)